Alright soooooo its been a crazy week and a half but i feel as though it has
flown by me so fast i can barely even see it all happening. to answer a lot
of peoples questions. My Companion is Elder S is from southeast Idaho.
This guy is a total homie. we get along great. plus hes an awesome
missionary. he's been out for a total of 21 months. My first area is Ione
California in the hills of sacramento! so no i am not in a biking area but
we get a jeep instead because some of the areas we have to drive NEED 4x4.
Elder S. and i are white washing this area so we are trying to get to
know everyone. and learn how to get around. there is only about 7000 people
so everyone knows everyone. the only way we can do missionary work is
through the members pretty much. we live in a house with two other
missionaries who do work in Jackson about 15 mins away.
we've had a couple of cool experiences but first:
it was 700pm and we didnt know exactly what to do because we didnt know
anyone so of course we prayed . and for whatever we both felt the impression
to go see Brother H, our land lord. so we went over knocked on the
door and lo and behold his wife had three of her none member best friends
over that shes been too shy to give the book of mormon too. so we went into
a mini lesson and broke the religious ice ! thats the lord using us to
definitely move his work forward!!
this one isnt actually about my companionship and i, but is actually our
roommates. they got called by a less active to give a blessing to a baby
that was 13months old that had an ear infection that caused the baby girl to
have seizures. so they raced over there in the morning. spent two hours in
the hospital, gave the blessing , hour and a bit later the babies
temperature dropped to normal, ear infection gone, and no more seizures.
friends and family that is the power of the priesthood. not even the doctors
could explain what happened. the the Lords power this baby was healed. We
all need to give more appreciation to the priesthood. because it works
i gave my first priesthood blessing of comfort to my companion whos
grandfather died on sunday. i was a little nervous but i knew the lord would
guide me to say what he needed . and he did. the priesthood is awesome.
so regarding success in this area. well the work is slow. both my companion
and i are brand new to this BUT we have lots of potentials and are
reactivating quite a few members, which is just as important as baptism.
part of what we need to do is endure to the end as well as be baptized with
proper priesthood authority.
Immediately when i met president jardine i felt his love for me the same way
a father would love his childern. they are alll so comforting.
i cant wait for all you guys to read my journal sometime. but im running out
of time. its a lot easier if you all write me
California Sacramento
mission office
8267 Deseret ave
fair oaks, CA. 95628
its nice and hot down here !! feels like 20+. love it.
love elder kristensen
also pdays are monday but because its thanks giving its today !!
(ill send more monday because i have pday then.)
1.the boys of district 43-c MTC
2. Sacramento, CA with Elder O. and Elder D.